Layout Space

Here’s the basement space for the new layout.
It’s about 27’ x 20’ with a glass sliding door to the back yard at one end, and passage to the house on the other end.
The original idea was the basement was entirely mine. However, I’ve set up a TV/Media area on the backyard end by the window. I like the idea of sharing the space with the family so we are not all in separate rooms doing our own thing. The TV space will also serve as a good crew area where crews can relax between assignments or after the session.
I have part of my railroad library unpacked into the bookshelf and the rest is in the boxes in the middle of the room. I’m really wondering about the wisdom of keeping all this paper but I’m not quite ready to pull the trigger on the DVD library for MR yet.
On the left in the foreground just out of view, there is a desk/workbench.
The space for the layout is L-shaped. On the plan below, the desk is dark brown rectangle in the upper left corner, and the TV area is salmon colored rectangle in the upper right corner.
Basement floor plan
And here’s a sketch of the room with the approximate dimensions of the space and some ideas about what can be layout and what will be walkways and furniture:
I’ve already come up with a plan that makes best use of the space available for the layout. And I have time to start building. So, the key question is how much to take on? Should I launch into building the whole thing, or perhaps start on something more modest that could be completed in a reasonable amount of time (< 1 year)?
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