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Entries by Steve Cox (137)


Tie 'em Down Boys!

Philip H left a comment on my recent post about pipe loads, reminding of the importance of tying down such loads. The pipe loads I described were just sitting on the cars, a necessity until such time as the cars live more permanently on layout rails. Until then, the cars have to fit back in their boxes.

There is a nice article on making your own pipe loads in Pelle Soeborg’s new book “Done in a day”. Pelle uses EZ Line and thinly sliced strips of black tape to simulate straps and tiedowns. (Ironically, EZ Line is the name of a product used in the pipeline industry for strapping down pipes! Careful when ordering!)

Phil’s comment also reminded me of the clip below, which gives a clear view of the importance of straps and chains to hold railcar loads in place. 

So tie ‘em down!! Thanks for the comment Philip.

- Coxy