Coxy's N Scale and Railroad Blog
Coxy's N Scale and Railroad Blog
Modern western railroading and N Scale modeling
Coxy's N Scale and Railroad Blog
N Scale and Railroad Blog
Coxy's N Scale and Railroad Blog
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N Scale and Railroads
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Deck Heights for a Double-Decked Layout?
Stockton Staging Interlocking
Layout Tour Continued - Refinery to Christie
The Basement Layout Plan
Layout Space
Photo Galleries
Photo Galleries
Handlaying N Scale Track Galleries
HO Scale Layout Pictures
N Scale Layout Galleries
Prototype Railroad Galleries
About Coxy's site
Coxy's Modeler Profile
Modeling standards for Coxy's next layout
Email Coxy
Email Marto
3rd Plan It files
Train Shows
Model Railroad News
Chuck Geiger' SD&AE Blog
Good collection of information on the San Diego and Arizona Eastern railroad
Interacting with miniature railroading
Informative Daily Blog with diverse modeling topics related to miniature railroading, such as 15" gauge live steam, HO, N, ON30 and Garden scales.
Model Railroader
Michael Denny's Niagara Escarpment System, a 2 x 4 N Scale layout. Handlaying in N Scale and testing new modeling techniques.
Model Railroading and Railroad Photography
Daryl Dankwardt's journal of hand laid HO layout construction
Model Rail Services
Byron Hendersen's layout design blog
The Railroad
HO Layout blog with hand laid track and lots of posts on building structures.
Train Blog
Dan Swearingen's blog - "Stories about building my model railroad and other things found along the tracks."
Trainboard Blog Directory
UPRR Geneva Subdivision in N Scale
Darryl Kruse's blog about his UPRR N Scale layout which includes the diamonds at Rochelle IL
UP-BNSF Meet at Rosenberg
Jimmy Low's developing N scale representation of Rosenberg Jct. Worth a look.
Black Diamond Lines
425 Fulton Shipyard Rd, Antioch, CA
California Southern Model Railroad Club
12140 E Firestone Blvd, Norwalk, CA 90650 (562)863-3156 (Near Disneyland!)
Digital Command Control - DCC
Allan Gartner's Wiring for DCC
Computer control via DCC
JMRI group
Decoder installation guides
Links at the bottom of the Chessie System page
Train Control Systems - TCS
Great N scale decoders!
Aztec DCC ready locomotive frames
The Railwire
Informative active forums on N, Z and HO scales as well as a good weathering forum.
Trackside Modeler
Modelers can always learn a thing or two from working in the smallest scale!
Fast Tracks
Jigs and materials for handlaying track
Kappler Mill & Lumber Co.
Ties and stripwood. Custom laser cutting.
NMRA Track Standards
Railway Engineering
Turnout skeletons etc for HO Scales and above. Some good hand laying guides on this site.
San Diego Society of N Scalers hand laying page
Layouts - N Scale
Allens Model Railroad Blog
Layout construction journal
Bill Denton's Kingsbury Branch
CSXT Shenandoah Division
Gavin Miller's Model Railroad
Freelanced "National Rail Network Authority" (N.R.N.A.) or "RailNet"
Southern Pacific Coast Line in N scale
Denny's blog covering his N scale layout representing a portion of the Southern Pacific Coast Line in Central California between Callender and Surf, including the Guadalupe yard, set in the early 1970s.
N Scale Union Pacific Railroad
Rochelle Subdivision
Tennessee Pass in N Scale
Collection of great N Scale layouts by modelers located in France.
Layouts - Z Scale
James River Branch
Reading RR in Z scale
Layouts - HO Scale
Andreas Keller's Guelph Jct
Central Indiana & Ohio Railroad
CNJ Bronx Terminal
Tim Warris's new hand laid HO layout. Amazing stuff!
Great Northern Down Under
Gerry Hopkins MMR
Housatonic Railroad Company
Joe Fugate's Siskiyou Line
Pelle Soeborg's Mountain and Desert Railroad
Pics from Pelle's layout. The guy's a genious!
Port Kelsey Railway
Former layout of the owner of Fast Traks, Tim Warris
Westport Terminal Railway
Wolfgang Dudler's US layout in Germany
Carr Tracks
Historical information on SP, AT&SF, UP, Rio Grande
Krug Tales
Great essays from Engineer Al Krug
Q Station
Rolling Stock
NWSL N Scale wheelsets
Metal replacement wheelsets in a variety of sizes and precision as drop in replacements for commercial plastic wheels.
Hays Bros. Garage
Ralistic loads for N Scale cars
Intermountain wheelsets
Micro-Trains Coupler Conversion Chart
Table of coupler conversions for N Scale rolling stock
Wig-Wag LLC
Supplier of Fox Valley Models wheelsets
Internet Trains
N Scale Supply
Tony's Train Exchange
Loys Toys
Custom Cuts
Weathering and Painting
Model Trains Weathered
Great resource for weathering. Lots of inspiration at this site.
Railwire Weathering ForumGr
Excellent weathering forum frequented by talented weatherers including Tom Mann.
Tom Mann Weathering
Brilliant weathering examples and techniques. Highly recommended.
Map of my local area
Railroad Links
Some links
Prototype Railroad Galleries
Gallery: Richmond Pacific (RPRC) (12/18/05)
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