Fast Tracks releases new N Scale handlaying tools

Here’s some great news for N Scalers. Fast Tracks, supplier of excellent tools, materials and advice for track laying in all scales, has just announced some important new tools for handlaying in N Scale.
Curved N Scale Turnout kits
Kits for building curved N Scale turnouts have everything you need, except the rail. You can order rail in what ever quantity you want, separately. They are offered in codes 40,55, and 70, #6, #8 and #10 and in a large number of radius combinations. This is great news. N Scalers now have a lot more flexibility in turnout choices. The kits retail for about $160.
New Video Explaining NMRA Standards
NMRA standards can often be confusing. The folks at Fast Tracks produce great documentation to make their products truly easy and fun to use. This is no small claim. As an engineer, I’ve deciphered far too many data sheets that are just an impediment. Unlike the disappointing technical documentation offerings that come with most other railroading products, Fast Tracks documentation sets a standard that few even approach.
So, check out this video, along with the other all the other Fast Tracks videos and datasheets. You’ll find the best collection of useful tracklaying information available right there on the Fast Tracks website.
New Tie Jigs Available
I’ve been waiting for these for a while. N Scale tie jigs are available in 10” lengths that clip together a lot like the wooden ‘Thomas the Train’ tracks to form a continuous jig as long as you need. The jigs come in Main, Siding and Branchline tie spacing for the sort of authentic look that flex track doesn’t yet match.
A pair of jigs, enough for almost two feet of ties costs about $15. Well worth it in my book.
One caveat: Fast Tracks hasn’t yet released 8.5’ track ties, but I’m told they are on the way and will be beautifully cut with burr-free ends. You can pick up N Scale tangent track ties from other sources such as Kappler.
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