Work Work Work...

From time to time, different aspects of life take over everything else. Presently, my work is taking a much more time than usual due to a pending merger between my company and another. In fact, I should be working right now instead of blogging!
But I will say that even when life gets crazy, it is very important to keep a little part of the week safe from the turmoil. For me, I have been doing pretty well at carving out Tuesday nights for railroading despite having a lot less available time lately.
The therapeutic effects of disconnecting for a few hours and indulging in some railroading can’t be underestimated, though it is very hard to do lately. A little slice of R&R goes a long way when faced with a lot of craziness.
In the background, I am still inching toward setting up a railroad habitat in my garage. I have a design and willing helpers. October is a bust, but November should see the long awaited barn-raising.
Thanks for checking in. The busy period will soon give way to more regular posts, and with luck, many of them will be on construction. Stay tuned…
- Coxy

Reader Comments (3)
Coxy - I just went through a merger as well this summer and the subsequent turmoil has also caused my model railroad time to decrease as well. I think your tip about scheduling some dedicated modeling time is great idea. Making an escape to the Model Railroad truly is good for the sanity index as the economy melts down while trying to figure out how succeed in a new corporate environment.
Is all well with you? I haven't seen an update in what seems like much too long. Your blog is always exceptional and you have no excuses for holding back for so long, even a twitter-sized update would me much appreciated, please!
I have several posts "on the way" Miles. I'll have some time coming up to catch up a bit.
Thanks for checking in.
- Steve