"Weathering" by Tom Mann

My copy of Tom Mann’s new weathering book arrived yesterday. The book is simply titled “Weathering” and focuses on simple techniques for creating startling weathering effects on freight cars and other surfaces that need to look well used and aged. Tom has been published in several of railroading publications such as N Scale Railroading. This is Tom’s first book on the subject.
A gallery of Tom’s work can be seen here.
The book is beautifully presented, right down to weathered backgrounds on each of the pages. The book is divided into two main sections, basic and advanced techniques. They are linked of course and many advanced techniques rely on the initial basic weathering of the car. Examples, or case studies are quite illustrative of each technique. I am particularly pleased that Tom has included meaningful examples and references to N and even Z scale in the commentary - an aspect that is frequently absent from Kalmbach offerings.
Tom provides useful detail on weathering recipes, salt masks and areas to focus on when planning the distressing of a piece of rolling stock. There is a good section on tools, paints and color selection.
I highly recommend this book. I would put Tom’s work in the same category as Lance Mindheim and Pelle Soeborg. It’s great stuff.
The book can be ordered from Feather River Trains in San Rafael Ca. Feather River Trains is also one of the best places I have encountered to buy N scale stuff - well stocked, friendly helpful service and realy focused on the N scaler. Incidently, Chuck Caiccio, the owner of Feather River Trains, had an editorial hand in the book and has examples of Tom’s work in his store.
Pick up a copy, it’s $20 well spent. I think you’ll be impressed.
Reader Comments (2)
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Thanks for the kind words Patricia. - Coxy