When Flour Trucks Go Bad!

A flour truck driver has a story to tell tonight after managing to tip their truck on its side in the Safeway backlot today.
So how exactly do you flip a truck loaded with flour? My guess is something to do with a U-turn that didn’t work out. Pretty amazing since there is only about a truck length between the building and the fence (well now that the fence is flattened, there’s more room!). I’d be surprised that regardless of what happened, if the truck had been doing more than 10mph.
Fortunately, the accident seems to be limited to the truck and the fence. Safeway Siding which runs along the fence just ended up with a little flour spilt on it.
This is also a nice view of Safeway Yard on the left (covered hoppers), Safeway Siding on the right (boxcars and gons) and the RPRC Harbour Lead in between.
Never a dull moment!
- Coxy

Reader Comments (3)
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Most of the truck flips due to driver negligence or due to over loading a truck.........