The ultimate in railfanning outings (plus photos)

Things turned out unexpectedly great this morning as we went on a little train hunting! I had about 45 minutes for a brief outing before the kids’ swimming lessons so I chose to stay close to home rather than visit the local BNSF or UP lines and spend most of my time driving. Within five minutes, Mitchel and I found the Richmond Pacific SW1200 #1268 switching close to the RPRC’s junction with the BNSF Siberia Lead.
We had the pleasure of meeting the Richmond Pacific staff and crew by chance this morning as we had arrived at the same time the crew were being briefed by the RPRC Superintendent, John Cockle. At John’s generous request, we were invited to the cab of the 1268 and joined the crew as they switched cars for about 40 minutes! We also were able to take a look at the extended cupola caboose! For two local railfans, this is a big deal!!! Not to mention unbelievable timing!
New Prototype Photo Gallery
I have posted and commented lots of photos of our experience this morning in a new gallery in the Prototype photo section. Please enjoy the pictures and let me again thank John for his hospitality and generosity.
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