N & Z Scale Hand Laid Track Vids on You Tube

Every few months I go looking for examples of hand laid track on You Tube. There are a few out there. Each time I look I find a few more.
Code 40 complex junction
This example shows a handful of large number switches and crossings, all hand laid in code 40. The vids are of tests where trains are run through the routes at speed. Anyone see these cars wobbling?
Test 2…
And test 3…
Handlaid Code 25 switch!!!
No more complaining that code 40 is too small! This switch is handlaid in code 25 stock!
More information can be found on the Z Scale track at the James River Branch website and on code 40 N Scale hand laying by the same modeler at the White River and Northern RR website. Both sites are well worth a look.
Inspired to give hand laying a try?
Still feeling like you’re not ready to start?!! If you’re considering hand laying, just give it a try. As these vids and others show, hand laying in N Scale is totally feasible. It takes a little practice but the results are well worth it.
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