Model Railroader Magazine 5 x 5: January 2008

I liked this issue.
Top Five
Build the WOSR on a shelf: Modern era, shelf style layout, beautifully laid out how-to article. Modern era models on the cover are generally under-represented so it’s nice to see the 2nd generation Geep on the cover. This article has some really nice examples of industries in minimum space.
Dual Control for Tortoise switch motors: Nicely done Rex Beistle. Great concept. Solid article.
Painting Distant Mountains: I liked that the pictures showed the whole space, not just closeups of the backdrop. Seeing parts of the layout in relation to the edges of the layout is important when trying to translate from that layout to the one the reader is building.
News & Products: Meaningful connections to MR website. Keep it coming boys. Within a decade or so, the MR audience will be predominantly web-savvy and will not be content with the limitations of the printed pages.
- BLMA - Product Review: These guys are on to something good - Modern outline, HO and N Scales. Value for money in my book. Good ads too.
Bottom Five
Landmark Layouts: The coverage of the Reid brothers N Scale Cumberland Valley was too short. Scarcely more than a full column of text, no track plan and only five pictures. Such a cameo appearance is puzzling. The message of the article appears to be “Here’s a good N Scale layout. Bye.”. An opportunity lost.
Build the WOSR on a shelf: Crimson facia?!!
- Detailing the right-of-way: Where are the examples of modern era details in model form? Examples are either noted as HO or nothing. Since it’s a pretty fair bet that MR photos are of HO subjects, why not just note when it is not HO? Or note the scale on all pics? For N Scalers, it’s important to know when we’re looking at an example of N Scale modeling, as that tells us that the detail in the picture can be successfully modeled in N scale. With the wide variety of HO products, this is rarely a question for HO Scale modelers.
- The Operators: It’s only one page long! More please.
Build the WOSR on a shelf: I couldn’t fathom what they were doing with the ‘old’ layout. Perhaps it becomes clear in the next part.
Suggestions to the Editor
Trains of Thought: Why not rotate between Tony’s view, which is mainly to the past, and someone else’s view of the present or future. Tony writes some good stuff from time to time but let’s have some perspectives on present day from accomplished modern era modelers. Lance Mindheim for example. There are plenty of others who could fit this bill as well. Tony only really covers the historical perspective.
Dual Control for Tortoise switch motors: Things get more complicated at the end of the article where Rex describes multiple units connected together. This is a good candidate for web-based follow up. Additional examples, diagrams and pics would be helpful, especially for non-EE readers.
Remember, this is post is just my opinion and I am biased! For the record, I have subscribed to MR continuously for almost thirty years, and I have no plans to stop anytime soon!
Reader Comments (2)
Outstanding summary! I spit my coffee with laughter when I read your bottom 5 - "crimson fascia". Nicely done!
First thing I thought when I saw the fascia was; since it blends with the locos' red, not too bad, something new.