Three New Blog Functions

I’ve added three new functions that I hope you find useful:
Part way down the right column you’ll see the search box which allows you to find posts on this site that contain your key words of interest. It’s a great way to go straight to your post of interest.
At the bottom of the right column, below the list of really useful links, you’ll find a link to a map of my local area, centered on the Richmond Pacific. Once the map loads, you can click on the google icon in the map, and it takes you to a full page google map view.
Thanks to all readers of this blog who have left comments on the site using the comment link at the end of each post.
If you prefer to send an email with your thoughts, suggestions or questions, I have added an email form. Using the form prevents spammers from grabbing my email or yours.
The link to the email form is at the top of the column on the right.
Drop me a line! I like to hear from you and I try to reply to all emails as soon as I can.
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