Photoblogging for when it's busy

Okay, summer has been surprisingly full between work and family commitments, visitors staying with us and the occasional unexpected project. Nonetheless, I have been getting some modeling and rail fanning in, just not enough hours in the day to blog it.
I have been taking shots of what ever has been going on so there’s some record of railroading during the summer of 2009 in the local Richmond area. All my photos are uploaded to Flickr shortly after I take the shots. If I have time, I will do a little renaming and add comments. I’ve been focusing on detail shots to be of use for various present and future projects. I hope they are of some use to you too.
Just click on the photos on the left side and feel free to leave comments on the photos, I’ll be glad to answer any questions.
Thanks for stopping by and reading this blog. I’ll be posting as I have time. In the mean time, enjoy the photos.
- Coxy

Reader Comments (2)
Coxy - Comments coming your way in Flickr! The photos do look great
I totally understand how work and family get "in the way" of model railroading! Several months ago I started building an outdoor, garden railway in the landscaped area behind my swimming pool ... between the pool and the fence. We call it "The Poolside Route". I have a wife who is supportive of the project, a few kids who like to put their Polly Pocket dolls inside the buildings, and a couple of dogs who like to dig where they have seen me working. It's a mad house! ... it's fun ... more challenging than any indoor layout I have ever created. But ... it's hard to find the time to focus on the railroad with all of this stuff going on. I have a blog that tracks my progress (pun intended) at I have just over 70 posts, so far, with lots of photos, and I try to update it 5 or 6 times a week. THAT takes time too. My hobby is more work ... than going to work! Keep up your good work ... thanks for the photos!